Graduate Visa(Sub Class 485)

We Studygen education Services, here to give you everything you need to know about working visas after graduation. The graduate visa permits you to stay in a foreign nation after you have completed your studies to live, study, or work. There are two types of visas: Graduate Work and Post-Study Work. Depending on which stream you apply for, the length of your stay will vary. Graduate Work Stream visas are for overseas students who have just graduated with skills and qualifications applicable to certain occupations in a foreign country. It allows you to temporarily live, study, and work in the country. You can work, have a necessary qualification for a skilled occupation on the list, and bring your family with you. Post-Study Work stream visa is for international students who have recently graduated with a degree from a foreign institution. It allows you to live, work, and study in one place. It lets you live, work and study in the country, temporarily. You can work, you can bring your family with you and you need a recent degree a CRICOS-registered course

Who is eligible

  • • Under 38 years of age
  • • Hold an eligible visa
  • • Have a recent qualification in a CRICOS-registered course
  • • Meet additional requirements of the relevant stream